Reeder 4
★ Reeder
我一直是 RSS 阅读的重度用户,我的信息来源除了 Twitter 之外其他全都是 RSS,最近也是在尝试使用 Feedbin 来把 Twitter 的信息也通过 RSS 展示。
iOS 相比 Android 上有很多非常不错的客户端,Reeder 4 我最喜欢的功能是内置的离线阅读,相当于是 RSS + Instapaper,我之前是挺喜欢 Instapaper,但是这样的一个服务几年来没有一点长进,随机便被我抛弃了。而且 Reeder 4 也可以关联 Instapaper 的账号,只不过没有了高亮标注功能的 Instapaper 也变得不完整了。
Reeder 4
A news reader for the Mac with support for various sync services. Reeder 4 adds new features like…- The new Bionic Reading mode- An in-app Read Later service which syncs with iCloud- Image previews in the articles list (finally)- An image viewer- Much improved article viewer- More layout opti…

Reeder 4
A news reader for iOS with support for various sync services. Reeder 4 adds new features like…- The new Bionic Reading mode- An in-app Read Later service which syncs with iCloud- Image previews in the articles list (finally)- Search- Much improved article viewer- More layout options- Automat…